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Dec 28, 2020

Coach, author, and Anti Diet Riot Club co-creator Harri Rose joins us to discuss how to avoid The Wellness Diet and other forms of diet culture in the New Year, how diet culture is trying to infiltrate the anti-diet movement, the harms of social media despite being a tool for connection, life beyond body positivity, and...

Dec 21, 2020

Plus-size fitness influencer and author Meg Boggs joins us to discuss how she made peace with food and her body after decades of disordered eating and weight stigma; how her relationship with social media has evolved from documenting her “weight-loss journey” to body positivity; how pregnancy and motherhood helped...

Dec 14, 2020

Anti-diet therapist Haley Jones joins us to discuss how their queer and trans identities affected their relationship with food and body, how autism gave them a different perspective on authority and hierarchical relationships, how fatphobia shows up in training programs for counselors and therapists, being “in...

Dec 7, 2020

Fellow anti-diet dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and journalist Carrie Dennett joins us to discuss her experiences with “successful” dieting and being part of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), why she ultimately stopped dieting and embraced Health At Every Size®, the many problems...

Nov 30, 2020

Eating-disorders therapist Haica Rosenfeld joins us to discuss how her father’s binge eating and bariatric surgery affected her own relationship with food and body, strategies for responding to diet talk, the Stages of Change as they relate to anti-diet messaging, bringing HAES to Spanish-speaking communities, and...